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The 10 Obstacles Holding You Back From Your Magnum Opus
These 10 Obstacles to Greatness hold you back from your Magnum Opus.
Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.
(The trials of life shape the character needed to complete great work.)
Your Magnum Opus
Good is the enemy of Great
Have you ever felt like you were meant to do something GREAT? And you've been searching for what that might be? You thought it would be this, that, but you felt ill-equipped, untrained, not good enough, not worthy, or someone told you it was a bad idea? Self-doubt, lack of confidence, lack of courage, lack of self-belief … And the list goes on why you cannot do something GREAT.
It's just a handful of things that truly hold you back from your GREATNESS.
I went to a Hans Zimmer concert. He's the guy who puts great music to movies, like Batman and all of Christopher Nolan's movies, like Interstellar, as well as the soundtrack to Gladiator and Dune. I love his music. He said that he's been trying to do his great work (his Magnum Opus) and almost obtained it with this song. He started to play his Instellar and played on the church organ. It was mesmerizing and beautiful. But he's still seeking to play his Magnum Opus song.
Hans is 67. He's received 12 Academy Award nominations and won two for Lion King and the recent Dune movie. He's still on his quest for ultimate greatness.
What's preventing him still?
Welcome to week 2 in our 12-week series on “The Journey to Your Greatness: Overcoming the Obstacles to Your Magnum Opus.
Many fail to realize their Magnum Opus, their life's great work, because of Ten Common Obstacles that derail their journey.
Let's uncover these 10 obstacles to greatness.
10 Obstacles to Greatness
Visualize your Magnum Opus as if it was the only purpose of your life. And ask God for the eyes to see from your heart.
Solve these 10 Obstacles:
Creating a magnum opus — a defining work of greatness — requires a rare combination of overcoming three big fears and seven significant lacks. This requires vision, persistence, courage, and opportunity. Most people never achieve theirs for these key reasons:
The 3 Great Fears:
We had great faith when we were young, but we then placed an emphasis on avoiding our fears as we grew older. Embrace faith once again. Believe in yourself and your mission.
1. Fear of Failure
Barrier: Fear of failing, being criticized, or not meeting expectations prevents people from even starting. We never had this fear of failure when we were young. You learned to walk, talk, and do so many things without fear of failure. Why now?
Root Cause: You are taught not to take risks. Society often discourages risk-taking, promoting "safe" choices instead.
Example: Michelangelo faced enormous pressure while painting the Sistine Chapel but embraced the challenge. Many avoid similar risks, fearing they might fall short. Aim for greatness.
2. Fear of Judgment
Barrier: The desire to fit in and avoid criticism leads people to conform rather than push boundaries. This can come from the people who care most about you.
Root Cause: Pursuing a magnum opus often requires going against the grain, which can attract skepticism or hostility.
Example: Vincent van Gogh was ridiculed in his lifetime but persisted. Many fear rejection and abandon their ambitions.
3. Fear of Sacrifice
Barrier: Achieving a magnum opus often requires significant sacrifices—time, relationships, resources—that many are unwilling to make.
Root Cause: People prioritize short-term pleasures or stability over long-term legacy.
Example: Newton spent years in isolation during the plague, developing his revolutionary ideas in Principia Mathematica. Many aren't willing to endure similar solitude or effort.
The 7 Great Lacks
We think we lack but we lack nothing.
1. Lack of Vision
Barrier: It's hard to have vision until you see it. Ask, and you shall receive. Ask what the vision of your Magnum Opus may be. There will be a revelation.
Root Cause: Don't get caught up in the day-to-day grind or settle for mediocrity, never asking, What is the one great thing I want to leave behind?
Example: Einstein envisioned a unified theory of the universe over ten years, doing thought experiments.
2. Lack of “Why”
Barrier: Without a deep sense of purpose, most struggle to sustain the energy and passion needed for a magnum opus.
Root Cause: People often pursue external validation (money, fame) instead of an internal drive to create something meaningful and personal.
Example: Beethoven's Ninth Symphony was driven by a profound desire to express the human spirit, even though he was deaf. A shallow "why" cannot sustain such efforts.
3. Lack of Focus
Barrier: Most people live in a constant state of distraction and cannot dedicate focused, deep work toward a single vision. Even an hour of deep work per day can produce remarkable results.
Root Cause: The modern world encourages multitasking and shallow work over sustained, focused effort.
Example: Isaac Newton spent years obsessively focused on a few key problems, producing Principia Mathematica. Most people never dedicate themselves fully to one pursuit.
4. Lack of Discipline
Barrier: A magnum opus requires relentless focus, hard work, and time—qualities many struggle to maintain.
Root Cause: Modern distractions (e.g., social media, entertainment) and an inability to delay gratification derail long-term projects.
Example: Kobe Bryant spent countless hours refining his craft, getting an extra practice in at 4 a.m. just to practice three times instead of the pro's two practices a day. Most people aren't willing to sacrifice comfort or leisure for such dedication.
5. Lack of Resilience
Barrier: Setbacks, criticism, and failure often deter people from pursuing their goals. This, perhaps, is the most common obstacle.
Root Cause: Most people lack the mental toughness to persevere through challenges and rejection.
Example: Walt Disney faced bankruptcy and countless rejections before creating Snow White and Disneyland. Many give up after their first few failures. Edison said he failed 10,000 times in the creation of the light bulb. Wow.
6. Lack of Mastery
Barrier: People often attempt greatness without first mastering the fundamentals of their craft. You cannot break the rules if you don't know the rules.
Root Cause: Focusing on shortcuts and impatience prevents the years of effort needed to build expertise.
Example: Bach composed over 1,000 pieces before his Mass in B Minor. Many lack the patience to invest in such rigorous preparation. This mindset does not bow down to time but lets time ferment mastery.
7. Lack of Drive to the Finish
Barrier: Settling for "good enough" prevents people from striving for greatness.
Root Cause: Once people achieve modest success, they often stop pushing themselves, mistaking comfort for fulfillment.
Example: Steve Jobs was never satisfied with "good enough," which drove his constant innovation. Most lack this drive. Why? Observe the ants the wisest King Solomon pleas to you.
How to Overcome These Obstacles
Define Your Vision: Ask yourself, What do I want my legacy to be?
Embrace Failure: Recognize that failure is part of the process and a sign of growth.
Cultivate Discipline: Build habits that prioritize long-term goals over short-term gratification.
Seek Mastery: Invest time learning and refining your craft before attempting greatness.
Find Your Why: Connect your work to a purpose larger than yourself.
Build Resilience: Treat setbacks as stepping stones, not dead ends.
Eliminate Distractions: Create environments and routines that foster deep, focused work. Start with just 10 minutes daily. Then, increase as you build momentum. Think about doing it for a month, a quarter, a year, two years, three years and keep going. You cannot but progress with such a tortoise and ant mindset. Don't be the hare.
Make Your Legacy
Just two big reminders:
You do not lack. In time, you will gain all that you need. This is an incredible journey, adventure and purpose of your life.
Pursue faith over fears.
Most people never create their magnum opus because they let fear, complacency, or distractions hold them back. Greatness requires a clear vision, relentless effort, and a willingness to sacrifice comfort for impact. Those who overcome these barriers—like Newton, Einstein, Michelangelo, and Kobe Bryant—leave legacies that inspire generations.
Read on for my big life question (only one-minute more). It helped me in my life and I hope it helps you in yours.