Your Sixth Sense

This is your intuition, the silent voice that whispers WISDOM.

Intuition will tell the thinking mind where to look next.

Jonas Salk (1914-1995)

Do you recall the first 11 Secrets of Success?

  1. A Desire or a goal that you envision to be real. A dream you deeply desire.

  2. Faith in the attainment of that desire beyond all doubt.

  3. Use Autosuggestion to deeply embed the faith in your desire into your subconscious.

  4. Specialized knowledge allows you to master what aligns with your purpose—the cornerstone of your impact.

  5. Imagination allows you to build your desire in the workshop of your mind, creating a blueprint with all the details.

  6. Organized Planning organizes this living blueprint, bringing each step closer to reality.

  7. Decision empowers you to take swift unwavering action. It sets you in motion from the inside out.

  8. Persistence gives you the resolve to continually pursue your goal, even when the obstacles seem insurmountable.

  9. The Mastermind principle is about surrounding yourself with individuals who challenge and uplift you, creating a synergy that elevates everyone in the Mastermind.

  10. Your Subconscious Mind is part of your soul (psyche), where your beliefs, desires, and actions converge. It stores every thought and ultimately guides your actions and reactions.

  11. The Brain is not just a physical organ but a transmitter of thought. When you harness it, you can connect with the collective ideas of others, drawing inspiration from the world around you. These final two secrets complete and make everything exponential.

The following two secrets complete the list and make everything exponential.

12. The Sixth Sense

The Door to the Temple of Wisdom

Don’t try to comprehend with your mind. Your minds are very limited. Use your intuition.

Madeleine L'Engle (1918-2007)

The sixth sense is intuition, the "inner knowing" that guides decision-making beyond logic. It's the silent voice that whispers wisdom.

Jobs often spoke of intuition guiding his best decisions, from product design to company culture. His gut instinct was a silent but powerful force behind Apple's success, enabling him to innovate in ways others couldn't anticipate.

Application: People think I lead and make decisions based on data, but I only use data to give credence to my deep intuitions, which have faithfully guided me most of my life. Data allows you to tell the story of your intuition to 'unbelievers.' Some people call these pipe dreams pie in the sky, moonshots. But even without such data, faith in intuition has led to marvellous inventions and discoveries of humankind. I believe this intuition is what connects the soul (psyche) to the spirit. When in tune, intuition whispers the secrets of wisdom into your heart and soul and drives you to act on them. You waver between reason and logic and intuition. Follow your intuition. Looking back on life, you'll see that intuition has always been a faithful steward.

Wisdom: Trust the whispers of intuition, for they often reveal the most profound insights. Let your sixth sense guide you, seeing truths beyond the visible.

13. The Mystery of Sex Transmutation

Channeling Physical Energy into Creative Energy

Sexual energy is the creative energy of all geniuses.

Napoleon Hill (1883-1970)

This one is often censored or omitted due to the word sex. But it is a very real and necessary part of our success. Sex transmutation involves redirecting powerful physical and emotional energies into creative and productive outlets. Harnessing this intense energy can fuel creativity, focus, and productivity. 

For innovators like Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, or Walt Disney, this principle means transforming intense passions into artistic or entrepreneurial pursuits. Jobs, for instance, channelled his energy into designing products with almost obsessive attention to detail, creating devices that are both functional and beautiful. Musk similarly channels his intensity and drive into world-changing ventures, from electric cars to space exploration.

Application: When soldiers go into war, if they hold and channel their sexual energies into physical and mental combat, it can mean the difference between life and death. When athletes channel the sexual energy within and around them, they can be in the zone and perform at the highest level. Fans and cheerleaders fuel this energy. Sexual energy is not just in the realm of sex but also adoration, and loving support. This energy transmutation is one of the most powerful energies in the world. Kingdoms rise and fall by this. For the love of a woman. For the love of a person. For the love of a nation. For the love of a gold medal or championship.

Wisdom: Learn to recognize and harness intense energies within yourself. Redirect them into pursuits that align with your highest aspirations, turning primal energy into creative power that drives you toward greatness.

Read on for my big life question and three life lessons (only one-minute more). They have helped me in my life and I hope they help you in yours.